Adam married his own daughter......Then why do their children stick their legs on the marriage of Brahma Saraswati?

Friends, on this blog, we have already given an answer to the Buddhists on the Brahma and Saraswati dispute in their own language. Today we will answer the children of Adam i.e. Muslim and Christian people who are attacking Hinduism by spreading false and misleading story like Brahma married his own daughter Saraswati.

First of all see the refutation of Brahma Saraswati controversy.

1. Puranic Story on Brahma's Daughter Explained

2. Christianity lie about Hindu God Brahma...

3. #Thread on All misunderstanding & Wrong information about maa sarswati

4.Hindu god Brahma married his daughter Sarswati?| Incest |Misconception | Explained by Neeraj Atri

So as it is now proved that neither Saraswati is the daughter of Brahma nor Brahma did any marriage with any of his daughters. To whom Brahma was attracted, it was Shatrupa and not Goddess Saraswati, who was born from the power of Brahma's mind and not by physical process. Whereas the Amma Eve/Hawa of Muslims and Christians was created by Allah Ta'ala/God Yahova from the body of Adam. See proof from Quran and Bible only

And God said: ‘O Mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and from Him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women.(Quran 4:1)

So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep;(AL) and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh.  Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h](AM) he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

The man said This is now bone of my bones

    and flesh of my flesh;(AN)

she shall be called(AO) ‘woman,’

    for she was taken out of man.(AP)

(Bibel Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 22-24)

Shatrupa was born from the psychic energy of Brahma ji and not from any of his body parts, as Eve / Hawa was born from the ribs of Adam, nor like Adam, Brahma ji had made any relation with Shatrupa, yes he was attracted towards her because of the influence of Kamadeva on whom both were punished by Shiva and Brahmaji was prohibited from worship. That is, through this story the incest has been refuted.. Whereas Allah / Yahweh of Islam and Christianity himself forces his daughter Eve / Hawa, born of Adam's body, to have a relationship with him. Where the Hindus considered him unworthy when Brahma was attached to his own daughter, then the same Muslims and Christians still proudly consider Adam as their first prophet and Allah / Yahova, who inspired him to have a relationship with his own daughter, as God. They bows before him. Therefore, those who are themselves children of father-daughter sex, they should not make false accusations like Brahmanji's married his own daughter Saraswati.


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