How Budhism incorporated Hindu Deities and then distanced the religion

Neo-Buddhists continue to spread all kinds of lies and delusions every day to mislead the society. In this episode, they keep spreading false propaganda in relation to Lord Rama, the universally accepted Hindu religion. Such propaganda does not give any strength to socialism, yes, disharmony and animosity is definitely spreading in the social structure.

 These people go around claiming that no character like Ram and Kush has been born in history, it is only the imagination of Brahmins and is false.

 In this, a section says that after the end of the Maurya dynasty, the Brahmins portrayed the Brahmin king Pushyamitra as Rama and the last ruler of the Maurya dynasty, Brihadratha, as Ravana and ten kings of the Maurya Empire as Dashanan Ravana. Is .

 Then the same class abuses Ram by calling him Shambhuk and doing injustice to Sita.

 Their arguments make a new story every day, on the one hand they deny the existence of Rama and Kush and on the other hand Ravana is called a great Buddhist and Ram is also called a murderer and unjust.

 When such a character is imaginary, it never existed, then how did he become unjust or murderous. And if it existed then how was it imaginary?

These psychics themselves have no knowledge of what they say and what they hear. There is neither truth nor authenticity in their arguments, if there is anything then only thetharai and two throats.

 I do not understand which of them is right and which is wrong, because they have fabricated all the three stories and there are three types of things in all three. There is no similarity between the three. Now if Ram is assumed to be imaginary, then Ram was there and killed Shambhuk and did injustice to Sita, what is this story.

 Or it should be believed that both these things are wrong, in fact Ram is Pushyamitra Shug and Ravana is Brihadratha Maurya. In all the three arguments, there are three kinds of lies and the one who tells them how can anyone believe their words.

 Because these three stories are propagated only by Neo-Buddhists. Whereas from the historical point of view, all these three things are false and have been fabricated to fragment the society.

 It is said that the parts of the ancient civilization are mentioned in the new civilization. Therefore, what is the reality of Rama and whether Rama really was or was not and whether we are related to him or not, we review it from Buddhist texts only.

 First of all let's know about Buddhist texts.

 Tripitaka texts are considered to be the most important in Buddhism. Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka and Abhidhamma Pitaka come under Tripitaka.

in Vinay Pitaka

 1) Parajik,

 2) Pachitiya,

 3) Mahavagg

 4) Chullvagg,

 5) The family is a book.

 under the Sutta Pitaka

 1} Digh Nikaya

 2} Majjim nikaya

 3} sanyukt Nikaya 

 4}Anguttar nikaya and

 5} Khuddak Nikaya texts come.

 Now there are 15 texts in Khuddak Nikaya


 2] Dhammapada,


 4] Itivuttak,

 5] Suttanipata,




 9] Therigatha 

  10] Jatak


  12] Patisambhidamgau,


  14]Buddhavans and


 There are seven texts in the Abhidhamma Pitaka, which are as follows -








Despite these, the Jataka tales hold a very important place in Buddhism. Their total number is 547. These stories were prevalent in the time of Buddha and they have been told by Buddha, it has been said in Buddhist texts. Jataka tales were prevalent in the era of Buddha. In which Buddha tells about Bodhisattvas of previous births.

 Now in these Jataka tales not only Rama but also the letters of Mahabharata are mentioned.

 There is evidence that in Hindu euphoric, especially the charity king Harishchandra, Shakuntala, Dushyanta, Dasharatha-Rama, King Janak, Sri Krishna, Kaurava-Pandava, Vidura etc. Mahamanvas have been discussed in the Jataka stories of Buddhism. get mentioned.

 In Hinduism, there is often mention of the charity of King Harishchandra, who was born in Satyuga. The story of this king Harishchandra has been compiled in the Mahavesantara Jataka (547) or told from the mouth of the Buddha. Under which the importance of charity has been told. In Kathhari Jataka (7) the case of Shakuntala was given as it is. In the Suttabhasta Jataka (402) and in the Mahajanak Jataka (359), a detailed description of King Janak of Mithila is given.

 In the same Dasaratha Jataka (461), King Dasaratha, and Rama is written as Bodhisattva Rama, Lakhan Kumar and Sita are also described.

 The only difference is that Sita is said to be the wife of Rama in Hindu euphoric. Due to the practice of marrying sisters in Buddhism, Sita is written as the sister of Rama. Because Buddha himself had also married his  sister Yashodara. Therefore, to justify this tactic, Sita is described as Rama's sister and then wife in Dasaratha Jataka.

 Mahajanak Jataka, Dasaratha Jataka, Samjatak and Chulhans Jataka, describe the Chitrakoot mountain, all these facts are giving evidence that in history, characters like Shakuntala, Bharat, Harishchandra, Dasaratha, Janaka, Ram, Lakshmana, Sita, Bharat It is neither fictional nor false.

 In the Sama Jataka (540) the father-devotee Shraman Kumar is mentioned.

The same Shri Krishna was depicted as the Bodhisattva of the Buddhists. The entire story of Shri Krishna is found in Kanha Jataka (440), Ghat Jatak (454) and the knowledge given by Shri Krishna in Mahanarada Kashyap Jatak (544).

 Not only this, the dialogue of Yudhishthira Yaksha mentioned in Mahabharata has been written in the same way as in Dev Dhamma Jataka (6) and Sutta Nipat.

 The information of King Dhrutarashtra is written in the Sirkalkanni Jataka (382), Chullahansa Jataka (533) and Mahasansa Jataka (534).

 The main characters of Mahabharata, Yudhishthira and Vidura and their capital Indraprastha, the Das Jataka (502) Sambhav Jataka (515) and the complete description of gambling and the complete characterization of Vidura have been written in the Jataka (545). In addition, Dhananjaya, Information about Vidur, Sanjay is obtained from Sambhav Jataka (515). The full story is given about Arjuna, Bhuridutt Jatak (543) and Kunal Jatak (536) and Bhima about Kunal Jatak (536).

 The description of Lord Vishwakarma is written in Yayodhara Jataka (510) and Hrushi Hrang in the Alambus Jataka (523) and Nalinika Jataka.

According to a historian Hopkins, "It is difficult to say with certainty when the Ramayana was composed. But the well-established statement is that the incident of Rama is older than the incident of Pandavas and

 The main hero of Ramayana is Shri Ram and the heroine Sita. This is written in Buddhism as Dasaratha Jataka.

 There is a mention in Mithila's king Janak (Mahajanak Jataka) and Chitrakoot mountain (Chullahansa Jatak). In Dasaratha Jataka, King Dasaratha was called the king of Varanasi and he had sixteen thousand queens. Ram Padani and Lakhan Kumar had two sons and Sita Devi a daughter was born from his wife. After the death of the first wife, a new wife was appointed out of sixteen thousand queens. Another son named Bharata was born from him. The rest of the story goes like the story of Ramayana. In this, it is written about the killing of Ravana that Ravana was not killed by Rama but by Lakman and in the end his body became diseased. .

 It is described as:-

 Rama was a Pandit Bodhisattva and went to exile obeying his father's orders. He was accompanied by his younger brothers Lakhan Kumar and Sita Devi. After returning from exile, Sita was married to Rama when Rama became the king.

 Now even a foolish person can understand what is the truth. The existence of Rama and all the characters related to Rama and the Mahabharata were made clear by the Buddha himself and the Neo budhists denies it and misleads the society of the new story Garh.

 Now there is another fact worth noting that just as Rama was called Bodhisattva in Buddhism, in the same way in Jainism he and the people related to him are called Jains. Whereas both Buddhist and Jain were contemporaries. Now it was not so that all the people of the same name were born on earth for Buddhists and Jains. Surely Rama must have existed before him, which he separated according to his own opinion and self-satisfied in his own opinion.

In both the sects, there is a story of Ram, yes this matter is different, now these sects have made them Buddhist and Jain in their own way to assimilate Ram. But this was confirmed by these things. Rama is the ideal personality among Buddhists as a Bodhisattva.

 NeoBudhists are falsely propagating that Ram was not there. To portray Rama as Pushyamitra is also the hypocrisy of the Neo-Buddhists.

 Whereas the authenticity of Rama and the authenticity of the great men of other Sanatan Dharma are doing their own literature, which raises a question mark if they are not there.

 So the society has to understand who is lying.

 The biggest fact is that Ramayana and Mahabharata are authentic. The Greek texts odeshi and eliyad were written in 800 BC by a Greek writer Hummer Hummer. This evidence is the most convincing evidence of Rama being a historical man, who was later self-satisfied by Buddhists and Jains.

 This is the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata respectively. And it is written when Buddhist and Jain sects did not even exist.

 Still, every day a new story is a new thing. And in the name of Rama and Buddha in the society, the NeoBudhist group keeps doing the work of fueling the conflict. Whereas the bundle of their lies is exposed by their own religious texts.

If Ramayana and Mahabharata are the imagination of Brahmins, then where did they come from in Buddhism, where did they come from in Jainism. While Guru Nanak, the first Guru of the Sikhs, in his biography has described himself as the descendant of Ram's son Luv, Guru Gobind Singh Ji has also called himself the descendant of Kush, the son of Rama.

 Only Buddhist and Jain literature give such solid and solid proofs in the context of the existence of Lord Rama, yet look at these foolish hypocrites, it is laggy in the study and knowledge of its own religious texts and gives discourses on Hindu scriptures. 

 They want to run a separate shop on a bundle of lies by defining Buddhist philosophy as religion. What was neither possible before nor will be possible in future.

Credits: English Translation of Democracytalks YouTube Channel Community Post July 27,2022



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